Thursday, August 4, 2011

A long wait is over

Hi everyone!
Tomorrow is going to be awesome, at least for me. Why? Because, tomorrow is the day my girlfriend arrives in Sweden, and we can finally be together again after four months of being apart. Long-distance relationships can be a real pain sometimes, but when you finally meet again, it just feels that much better! I'm talking pure ecstasy here, people!

So, I might not have a lot of time to keep this blog updated for a while now. I hope you're not going to miss me too much. (Though, truth be told, it's okay if you miss me a little ;)
I'm just going to leave you with this happy song, and wish you all a good day!


  1. Wow, congratulations on having a long-distance relationship that's actually working :D!

  2. happy for you! you two have fun! =)

  3. Her face the book of praises, where is read. Supporting!

  4. Ohh thats great news indeed. Enjoy, i know long distance relationships are hard but when both parts get together its a great feeling :)

  5. Congrats! Hope you have lots of fun. :) Also, I'm really jelly thinking about all the fun waiting for you in Kyoto. When are you leaving?

  6. Being apart sucks. Have fun (if you know what I mean)

  7. Oh wow, that is going to be quite an emotional moment!

  8. You make sure you have a good time with her. ;)

  9. after long absence, it so good to be together again

  10. Good luck with that, I've seen quite a few go bad.
