Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Unlucky, or maybe not?

Hi everyone. Yesterday, I was on my way to the Japanese embassy in Copenhagen when I realised that I had forgotten my passport at home. No passport = No visa. The following picture sums it all up. (Contains some swearing, be warned)

Needless to say, I was quite annoyed. However, when I came home, I discovered that I had made some mistakes when filling in the application form the night before. I also remembered that I had to send an arrival notice to the university in Kyoto before the 24th of August. Had I not forgotten my passport, I probably wouldn't have remembered this at all. So it all turned out okay in the end. Now I have double-checked all of my documents and made sure I have everything in order. Today, I WILL apply for my visa, right and proper.

Oh, and I got Thief 2 to work on my computer last night, too. I'm on a roll, baby! Until next time, have a good day!


  1. What a helpful chain of events

  2. Funny how things can work themselves out like that!

  3. hahahaha im sorry im laughing at that, but the photo is pretty funny.

  4. pffft, that's nothing! Once I traveled 40 kilometers to my house from a party, when I got to my house I realized I forgot my keys, then I traveled back and found out that the keys were in my pocket the whole time and then I had to drive back again.

  5. Sometimes, things happen for a reason.

  6. Are you not worried about the radiation in Japan?

  7. I just read you post about your gf being in Japan.

  8. Lucky it was for a reason. The worst is when you forget something and go home and still can't find it, only to realize you had it all along in a sneaky compartment or something. Nothing could make you feel like more of a retard.

  9. I would have been freaking out really badly. You handled this a lot better than me.
