Friday, August 5, 2011

Time is weird

Hi everyone!

I've been thinking a lot about time today. Until today, time seemed to pass both very quickly and terribly slowly at the same time. A day seemed to drag on forever, yet the week ended before you knew it. On the whole, it felt like time went by at a brisk pace. That is, until today.

I woke up early in the morning, and it is now noon. It feels like I've been up for days already. It's only been an hour since I last looked at the clock, and I feel like I've done a ton of things in that short span of time. Sometimes I wonder if this day will ever end, or if I am eternally trapped in an endless half-light (It's cloudy out today), just passing time that never truly passes until I slowly go insane.

But this is probably just my mind messing with me. Good things come to those who wait, as the saying goes.

So for now, I think I'll wait just a little while longer.

Have a good day, everyone!


  1. Interesting post!

  2. you are just tired...

    don't worry :)

  3. I always found out it had more to what I have to do that night or what I'm doing. Having had a couple hours disappear only because I have something to prepare for.

  4. As you get older your perception of time speeds up.

    You may merely be feeling the ravages of age getting its hooks into you.

  5. Time is a harsh concept and a maddening idea to wrap your head around if you go in too deep.

  6. time is relative. i feel like its night but it's actually day haha

  7. I'm just sleeping till 3pm so yeah, time goes fin fast for me

  8. When im feeling like that, going out for a walk to clear my head and waste a little time, helps me every time.

  9. Some days I've got the exact same feeling. Hours seem to pass slowly while days turn into weeks.

  10. some days are too long, others are not and i don't know what is the worse

  11. I know what you're saying man. Time's crazy, I bet it's sunday already... I mean, still sunday... or, I don't know x.x

  12. That happens to me a lot too. Sometimes time moves so slowly you suspect you're gonna get whiplash injuries when it starts moving normally again.

  13. Clock time is close to meaningless to measure the passage of time. Best used to plan future occurrences only. :)

  14. Feels like I was just here. See, clock time is useless.

  15. Clock time is telling me you haven't posted in 3 days :)

  16. Strange how fluid and pliable time really is. Like everything else, it moves on it's own and can only be measured relatively to yourself.


  17. once i finish my time machine we will be able to study time in more depth

  18. It really does seem like time is stretching out here.

  19. time moving slowly is only good if your having fun, but it never moves slow when having fun.

  20. animals dont know time. even more weird.
