Hi everyone! Sleeping well? Time for another lucid dreaming post!
Now, to be honest, I haven't felt too motivated to make an effort with my lucid dreams as of late. I haven't had any LD's for a while, I've been going to bed a little too late for comfort, and in general just haven't felt like concentrating that much on dreaming. So I figured I'd give it another try, and start with the basics again. The most important thing when it comes to LD's is your own intention. But what's easy to overlook is your ability to remember that intention as you drift off to sleep. Fortunately, there are a few memory exercises you can do during the day to improve your ability.
This particular exercise is designed to be practised for one week. There are four target events for each day. When you wake up in the morning, read the events for the current day, and only the current day. Memorize the events.
Now, as you go about your business during the day, be on the lookout for the targets. When you notice one of them, do a reality check, to determine if you're dreaming or awake. For example, if the target event is "The next time I see someone with a baby carriage," you would do a reality check when you spot someone pushing one of those around.
At the end of the day, write down how many of the four target events you managed to notice. If you realise that you missed the first occurrence of a target event, you have failed it, even if you notice it again later. If you are sure that a target did not occur at all during the day, make a note of it.
Continue this exercise for at least a week. If you find yourself not getting many of them down, then continue with the exercise a while longer, until you can get most of them. Make up more targets, write down your results and keep track of your success rate.
If you stick with this exercise for a few weeks, your memory should improve quite a bit. I have yet to try it, but I intend to start doing it tomorrow, on Monday. I hope it will be helpful, and I hope this post was in some way helpful to you. Until next time, everyone, sweet dreams!
Now that school is over, I'm going to start my dream journal again :D
ReplyDeleteLol it's starting to sound a little inception here
ReplyDeleteAwesome post, wish I could remember some of my dreams =(
This never works for me, unless by accident.
ReplyDeleteRecently I've been having the same recurring dream. Very unusual.
ReplyDeleteAs Shaw said, this has never worked for me. I only find myself lucid dreaming by accidnent.
ReplyDeleteStill gonna give it a go, its worth the try.
I'll give it a try. I have to most crazy lucid dreams though if I eat a lot of sugar before bed... which is terribly unhealthy, and I wake up feeling awful, but man.. the dreams are very intense.
ReplyDeleteI had an amazing LD this morning where I was in a conflict and then I realized I was dreaming and so just flew away much to the dismay of the person who was arguing with me. It was cool to see their face get smaller as I levitated :)
ReplyDeleteI had a friend who was trying to do some lucid dreaming exercises. He never got it to work, I think I'll link him to some of the stuff here.
ReplyDeleteI think I'll follow.
Man, havn't had a chance to try any of this recently, been getting home rather late and usually dead tired.
ReplyDeleteI might try this to get study easier...